Morning Bus Routes:
The bus will leave promptly at the stated times. Please be on time. The bus will be at the designated stop approximately 5-10 minutes before the departure time, depending on the stop. Parents will be responsible for driving their student to school if the bus is missed.
Afternoon Bus Routes:
Students should arrive promptly at the Middle School carpool when school is dismissed. The buses will depart from the Middle School approximately at 3:35 p.m. If the student does not arrive on time to get on the afternoon bus, parents will be required to pick their students up at school.
Lower School students who miss the bus will report to the Extended Day Program and parents will be charged a drop-in fee. Lower School students should be picked up at the Lower School before 6 p.m.
Middle School students who miss their bus must report to Middle School Bear Den and parents will be charged a drop-in fee. Students should be picked up at the Middle School before 6 p.m.
Upper School Students who miss the bus should wait for their ride in the STEM Building.
Please make every effort to arrive timely to pick your student up from the bus stop. Riders will not be left alone at a Pick-up Location. The bus will wait 10 minutes before leaving for the next bus stop. The bus will wait 10 minutes at the last bus stop before returning to school with students. Parents will then be responsible for picking their child up at school.
Permission to Pick Up:
Parents must complete the Permission to Pick-up section of the registration. Please list all adults who have permission to pick up your student. Please include parent names as well. Parents/Guardians should contact us if your student is permitted to walk home from the bus stop.
If you have a change to your afternoon plans and your child will not be riding the bus, please email